│ artists                      │
│ homemodsinfoartists │
│> _zebra                      │
│ of piston source + sometimes │
│ an .it tracker               │
│ irc: _zebra                  │
│                              │
│ soundcloud                   │
│ @pipluplupsalad              │
│> ant1                        │
│ of aana netlabel             │
│ > dune/brothomstates         │
│ of orange, warp, lightcones. │
│ innovating demoscener since  │
│ 92                           │
│ irc: dune, bstates           │
│                              │
│ bstates www                  │
│> yalk DX                     │
│ aka ghostwerk                │
│ datamask founder             │
│ irc: yalk_dx, ellen_page,    │
│ or sizzurp_slave69           │
│> ilkae                       │
│ of inpuj, merck, monotonik,  │
│ and more. also a canadian    │
│ supertracker                 │
│ irc: mnsn                    │
│                              │
│ soundcloud                   │
│> obleak pigeon               │
│ las vegas native IT tracker, │
│ newest member of datamask    │
│ crew                         │
│ soundcloud                   │
│> raina                       │
│ tracker since '95 and        │
│ musician of many titan demos │
│ irc: raina                   │
│                              │
│ raina's site                 │
│> tainnos                     │
│ henkka kyllonen of milk/maito│
│ old school fame and IT lord  │
│ soundcloud                   │
│> wayne and nick              │
│ vexion/ilkae and             │
│ syndrone/machinedrum co-op   │
│ modules, mostly from 90s     │
│ ????                         │